i took this photo in my complex the other night after it snowed... again :) my photos always seem to be a little bit darker here than when i work on them... but hopefully you can see the whole tree on the right, i really like how the light plays off the needles.
today there were snow squalls in waterloo's forecast. today was also the day that my ecology lab went on a field trip to spongy lake! it was a lot of fun and i took a lot of pictures - there will be more to come!
"You are the one who's led me to the sun. How could I know that I was lost without you... I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true. I can't believe how I have fallen for you."
this is a photo i took in the dorney garden outside of ES a few months back. the chickadees were flying around so quickly that once, i pressed the button to take a photo of one and by the time my camera had actually taken the picture, that bird had flown away and another one had replaced it!
my highschool art teacher always used to say that art is more interesting when it incorporates something that we normally consider to be "ugly"
through examining this photo i have finally come to understand what he meant. the colour and beauty that can be seen in the dying buds present here truly do intrigue me.
i took this photo during one of last summer's many camping trips, this time at emily provincial park. this was one of the weekend's better shots for me but i accidentally loaded it wrong so the resolution is a lot lower than usual - let me know if you can see a difference!
this is justin! i really do enjoy taking photos of him, but in this particular photo, i think the most fun part is the background. i had a grand time playing with the liquify tool on this one!
these two shots are here to expose my love of tomatoes. they are my favourite vegetable... or fruit, and these particular cherry tomatoes happen to be from my parents' garden back in Hamilton!
this picture is from way back in the summer! does anyone recognize that parking lot? you should... its the one we (all us hamilton girls) had to walk up a bizillion stairs to get to after the olypmic island concert!
this is a picture i took on the first night of a camping trip at longpoint this summer. the wind was crazy, but the sandbars, seagulls, and sunset were gorgeous.