i havent been taking a lot of photos lately, but i have a few kicking around that i'd really like to post... so, here is the first! i took this one back in the summer while i was on one of my many bruce trail adventures with my good friend nicole. we saw a lot of little wonders that day.
i made this for a class i am taking this term called "nature: art, myth and folklore." is is my representation of an indian (not native american!!! :P) creation myth.
today i went on a winter twig id-ing hike with UWFN, and i took these along the trail to the laurel conservation area through north campus. it was the perfect day for a wintery walk!
here is a shot of the "living wall" that recently got put up in one of our environmental studies buildings on campus. its a really cool biofiltration system, and it looks pretty too!
this is from the day that davey left for co-op. we all kind of hung around his room and watched him pack... and i took photos! this one is out his bedroom window. i particularly enjoy the old school window frames in that house... although they aren't the greatest for keeping warm in the winter months!
this is my good pal katy-o at our highschool girl-friends annual christmas gift exchange and feasting event. since last year, when most of us entered university, we made the secret santa "homemade only". katy got a wickedly thick scarf that we all enjoyed cuddling up with for the rest of the night!
so, im back! christmas, new years, and my birthday have all passed. so i have a lot of posting and catching up to do. first thing first, this is my cousin zachary. hes a cutie pie if i have ever seen one :) sadly, we don't see each other often, but 'twas the season i suppose...