here's the story: you see, larry told our group that we wouldnt be leaving to go to dave's bay until a certain time, so we finished up at our trail early, then came back to the cottage so we would have some time to rest. lo and behold, we got to the cottage to find that everyone was already packed up, ready to go to the bay, and they had planned on just swinging by and picking up our group on the way! they made us leave right away, and we had no time to get ready. i didnt get my bathing suit, and so while everyone else was swimming, i had some time do do a little solitary exploring. despite my angry mood, it worked out well, and i found this little treasure along with a few other neat things.
im not sure how it works, but it seemed like these guys were crystalized in some sort of jelly-ish muck... almost like getting caught in a spider's web, but a little different - no spider. sounds gross, but looked so cool!